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First String Digital

Decreased the user onboarding drop-off rate by 15%.


Senior Product Designer

Product Type

SaaS Website Feature


4 months

Project Summary

In response to the existing inefficiencies in their SaaS subscription product's onboarding process, First String Digital recognized the need for a comprehensive redesign and user flow. We aimed to streamline the onboarding experience, leading to a significant increase in user satisfaction and a notable decrease in the signup drop-off rate.

Research and Analysis

By synthesizing data from research and discovery, we identified user pain points, and generated two persona types to guide the user's journey and design strategy.

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Userflow Diagram

Our user flow provided a streamlined and efficient user experience, reducing confusion and delays by offering clear instructions and manageable tasks.

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Transformed an Ineffctive Process Into a Successful Solution

The successful implementation of a user-friendly sign-up process resulted in a significant decrease in drop-off rates during the onboarding process. The previous 35% drop-off rate was reduced to less than 20%.

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